Legacy Software - iCal

Initial Startup

How to start iCal and what to do if things go wrong

Starting iCal from the Start Button

Once iCal has been installed it can be started by clicking Start Button/Programs/iCal Web Calendar/Start iCal vx.x Web Calendar. This will start the iCal server and it will wait for web browser requests.

Settings on the iCal property box

status tab
Status Tab
listener tab
Listener Tab
about tab
About Tab
Status Tab

One button toggles between Start Server and Idle Server. You must start the server before iCal will respond to browser requests. You must idle the server before you can make changes on the Listener or About Tabs. The "X" minimizes the property box to the system tray. To shutdown the iCal server you must click the Shutdown button.

Listener Tab

Note: You must first click the Idle Server button on the Status Tab before changes can be made.

About Tab

The About Tab is where you enter your Registration Codes. The Idle Server button must be clicked on the Status tab before you can enter your codes.

How you and others access iCal calendars

When iCal is first started the default settings will bring up your browser and take you to the iCal tutorial web page. You will notice that the URL in your browser will be http://localhost. localhost is a convention instructing your web browser to make a connection to your machine.

Others on your network can also access your instance of iCal. The URL they enter must provide the IP address of your machine. eg if this is the IP address assigned to your machine.

To find your IP address, go to a command prompt and enter the command ipconfig; it will display your IP address.

Appending the calendar name to a URL will take you directly to the calendar. E.g., http://localhost/default

When a port number other than 80 has been assigned, this needs to be included on the URL. For example, using port 8000 would make the URL http://localhost:8000/default

Error: iCal could not be started. Try changing the port number on the Listener tab ...

This error message is received when trying to start the iCal server, and can be very confusing to someone new to the system. The full error message also includes the words Try changing the port number on the Listener tab, then click the Start Server button again.

When iCal starts it performs a bind with the IP address and the port number listed in the Listener Tab (A IP address indicates that the IP address assigned to the host machine will be used) The error message occurs when the IP address and the port number are already in use by the system. Here are the most common reasons this is happening and how to fix the situation.